Discover your Palate Profile

Palate Profile Program


A person's ability to taste and judge good food and Wine depends on their unique palate. In the context of wine tasting, palate refers to the ability to identify and taste different characteristics of Wine

  • To learn about your wine palate, we created a unique wine palate profile program. Please review each section of the Aroma of Wine Palate Profile Program and check the boxes which characterise your palate; the system will run a program to provide your unique palate profile. Then, the next time you log in to our website, the system will recommend wines to inspire your palate. The wines which appear under "Inspire your palate" will be unique to you based on your palate profile.


We have developed a unique 3-point taste scale to back up the program to identify with the best Wine and optimal quality. In this scale, we empower you on the critical areas of:



 Learn it on the Vine


  • The aroma of Wine provides you with all the knowledge required to synthesize wine choices in a non-intimidating and confident way. We focus on fun when providing you with invaluable bottle information, a series of pro tips, and easy-to-digest skills on excellent fine wine sourced locally and internationally. 


A professional in your pocket

  •  We provide you with more time to enjoy your wine and less time worrying about the right tastes to inspire your palate. Our primary philosophy is to yield wine professionals out of our current and prospecting customer base by increasing confidence in selections through expansive knowledge. your personal taste.
  • With wide experience in all steps of production, distribution, and taste, the Aroma of Wine is the answer to your taste buds. We present to you all the wines available in the local and international market to tickle your palate and develop your taste profiles so that you can do away with the worry of picking based on price and remembering grape varieties.