Domaine La Haute Brande

  • Château Haute Brande is a family affair: in 1887, the first member of the Boudigue family bought the land and the house that would later become Château Haute Brande, from the locality 'brande' meaning heather and 'haute' meaning high, as the vines are located on the highest plots, compared to 'Basse Brande'. Since then, the estate has been handed down from father to son and has remained entirely in the family. Today, the fifth generation of the family's children manages the estate. Like most properties of the time, the estate was initially attracted to mixed farming. It was in 1975 that Château Haute Brande made its first move towards a single vineyard, as the first labels with a view of the buildings and the dwelling house appeared, a view that can still be found today on all the wine labels, a sign that the vine was playing an increasingly important role in the family's life. Château Haute Brande turned definitively to the sole cultivation of the vine at the end of the 1980s. This decade will be one of the most important since the first participations in competitions (Concours General de Paris & Concours General de Bordeaux) will be rewarded by the first medals.